Wednesday, August 09, 2006


So, tonight was yet another show of URB06 at Kiasma and I was actually able to convince a couple of friends of mine from the uni to tag along. And they actually seemed to like the show quite a bit even though they were fairly skeptical at first. Apparently not everyone has an open mind by default when it comes to modern art.

Anyway, the repertoire was
  • Mindman & Felix the Beatboxer
  • Irven Lewis Dance Theatre
  • Jussi "Focus" Sirviö
  • HK 119
As previously mentioned, I'd actually gotten a glimpse of Felix earlier this year and he still continued to amaze me with the human beatboxing. Just amazing. Although it has to be said that I think he pulled of a better set the previous time I saw him. Now he was pretty much drowned by the DJ mixing his sounds. Or at least that's my opinion.

Irven Lewis & Co. were quite possibly the best act of tonight. Period. Jazz dancing, like jazz itself, may seem quite chaotic and appear to lack all structure, but it is immensely cool. And very difficult; I should know, I've tried it (well, ok, one or two lessons and I've never done aerobic before, so I was usually going the wrong way, etc.).

Jussi was also fairly good. I've not seen that many breakdancers before in real life and even though I don't listen to the music associated with the dancing that much, you still have to respect the guys who can break.

And finally HK 119. I had a slight idea of what was coming, but that didn't really prepare me for the real thing. To sum it up in a few words, Heidi Kilpeläinen's show was weird. I'm not really sure whether it was good weird or bad weird, but I'm starting to lean towards the former. I guess I'll have to keep my eyes open and see if I can go see her live again sometime and perhaps then I'll be able to form an actual opinion... But overall the show was great and considering that the tickets were cheaper than movie tickets these days, the value for money was outstanding. I think I should just stop going to movies altogether and start frequenting shows like this more.

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