Sunday, May 27, 2007


I just got back from the Malmö-trip and the weather and atmosphere in Helsinki is sort of strange. It's not quite dark yet, but it's by no means light either. The clouds seem to hang quite low, the humidity is quite high and it would appear as if we'll be getting at least some rain soon. But then again, the wind is also non-existent, and I live in Lauttasaari, right on the sea shore. Could this be the calm before a storm?

The trip, albeit brief, certainly gave some perspective and helped clear my thoughts a bit. It's time to come out and admit it, I've reduced my life into a set of routines. More or less. Some sort of shake-up would be in order. While walking around downtown Malmö and then taking the train to the airport on the outskirts of Copenhagen, I was sort of sad that I was coming back to Finland. Or that was the overall general mood. Of course there are also some things in Finland which I'm looking forward to engaging in again.

I haven't been travelling that much recently. When I was younger, my parents were quite keen travellers and I was subjected to a bit of globetrotting. So in that sense I would guess that the Born Global -model has been present with me in some way from the get-go. But since then I've been mostly keeping my feet firmly on Finnish soil. Not that I have anything against travelling per se, but too much of any single thing will cause you to suffer from overeating. This trip helped to wet my appetite again.

Now, travelling is of course sort of fun and enjoyable. But being a tourist is annoying. If I go somewhere, I don't really give a damn about the history of the place or doing any organized siteseeing. That's just annoying. I guess I just want to fit in. To be a part of the large organism, typically a foreign city, rather than just observing it through the lens of a camera. And the best way to achieve that is to just spend more time than a week in one single place. Maybe get a job or study something. To just lead a normal life there. To experience more than the shallow and superficial surface that tourists either cannot or will not dare break.

Oh, and while I was writing this, it started to thunder. So it would certainly seem that we might be getting one of the first storms in Helsinki this year (at least as far as my memory serves me right).

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