Friday, June 29, 2007


And no, not the bird kind either. Please avoid all sorts of contact with me for the next 24 hours as I just came back from the golf course and not only did I play the back 9 with 38 shots (par 36), but I also made an eagle on the 14th hole of the course in Salo. I opened with a 3 iron and an about 200 meter shot straight down the fairway (the actual shot wasn't very sweet; slightly thin). The second shot was a 150 meter approach against the wind with a 7 iron with one bounce on the green and then dropped into the cup. That said, had I played the front 9 as well, I would've been able to drop my HCP from 21.5 to about 4-5. And that illustrates perfectly why I don't want to return cards or drop my HCP. I'd lose my competitive advantage. And then again, I'm not sure that my game is stable enough to allow me to play another half like that for a while, as I don't even have the time to play that many rounds this summer. Mainly due to work.

Oh, and the new grips for the irons worked fairly well too and I'm satisfied that I finally got around to changing them.

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