Friday, February 01, 2008


Well, things are changing quite rapidly again. Today was the first day at work when I was no longer sitting in the original cubicle that I got when I joined the company, nearly two years back. We're being moved around as the powers that be are preparing to start a massive renovation of the HQ. And because of all this moving around, I won't be having a personal cubicle for the next three weeks, thus meaning that I'm more or less homeless at work for the time being. And even though this is just the first day, I'm quite annoyed by the nature of the flexispace office; no fixed seats, take any free seat when you want when you come to the office. But it means that I can't leave stuff lying on the desk, etc. Annoying...

But on a more positive note, I finally got around to arrange time to play some tennis with Juha. It wasn't much of a game as we were both pretty rusty, but at least I felt like I was slowly getting the hang of it again... And best of all, it was fun, regardless of whether or not we had any actual control over the ball.

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