Thursday, April 10, 2008

Summer's coming...

Summer's coming again at an incredible pace and it seems that I'm backlogged in every regard. Work, school, etc. And thanks to the cold I caught, I missed yoga today too since I didn't feel like going there if I would have to blow my nose every five minutes. And if I don't feel any better in the morning, I think I'll miss the second chance that would be on Thursday evening.

Additionally summer is also very annoying as you can't wear nice overcoats and layered clothing anymore. And in this regard I'm also backlogged, since I totally lack the clothing for the summer and I think I will need to see about getting a couple of linen suits and such. It's already pretty much pushing the limits and to get the suit for the summer, I guess I have to start aggressively working on finding them. Oh well...

Oh, and it's almost 3 AM and I slept four hours again last night because I got to bed rather late, thanks to having to prepare a bunch of slides for a presentation that I have to give on the current state of the US dollar at class tomorrow. And this night isn't looking that much better... I guess it's time to head to bed...

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