Sunday, September 07, 2008

Vampires of misery

Why do people feed on other peoples' misery? Or, well at least some do. Might it have something to do with an inherent, biologically programmed tendency towards automatically handling situations as zero-sums? Or are some people just inherently more evil than others? Or maybe it has something to do with trying to get even or righting some past wrongs?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think you almost got it yourself. You mention "an inherent, biologically programmed tendency towards automatically handling situations as zero-sums" - I would say that's VERY close (but no cigar). My personal opinion is, that it is simply "an inherent, biologically programmed tendency towards automatically seeing the failure as others as a boost in your own esteem". Seeing how we are competetive bastards - hell, it's what Nature made us into - the failure of others is good for us.