Tuesday, March 01, 2011


Considering that progressive taxes seem to be all the rage right now, I would in fact like to propose a very holistic approach to all of this: instead of using currencies like the EUR, we could instead move to percentages. A bottle of milk would cost 0.1%, for instance. In practice this means that regardless of income, the individual would pay 0.1% of their monthly income for the product.

This type of solution would permanently resolve these pesky issues of some people earning more money than others by ensuring that regardless of the amount of money that a person makes, they will still be able to get the exact same amount of goods or services as any other person.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Sounds fair. Until the inevitable appearance of more equal people who will end up earning more than 100%

ttj said...

But assuming that 100% can be controlled to be the maximum and working a couple of steps further, I guess ultimately we'll get into the nice situation where everyone can stop doing anything as we're all equal and just fine living around a small camp fire near a cave. :)