Sunday, June 08, 2008

On women's clothing and men

I hold the view that as a man, I can nor need understand anything about women's clothing. I readily admit that it is way out of my grasp and more often than not I haven't the faintest idea what looks good and what doesn't. As such, I often remain silent about this subject and when I don't, I rely only on my very subjective and uneducated opinions, which are undoubtedly very wrong, if one attempts to verify their correctness from the fairer gender.

That said, I saw the new Sex and the City movie last night and I have to say that not only did it appear that Finnish females dress in an awful and horribly tacky and unoriginal way, but it might do good for a decent portion of them to get acquainted with a track suit or running gear in general. And yes, I will get stoned for this, but so be it. And I know, I'm being mean. ;)

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