Friday, June 23, 2006

Of summer parties

The company summer party was on Wednesday. I've been to one of N's summer parties before in San Diego and the whole nature of the event was completely different. In San Diego the event was a whole family event on the beach and had this nice laid back atmosphere and people were just mingling. A very nice event, all in all...

In Finland, however, it was completely different. When I first got the email about the party, the first thing which popped up from it was the age limit; 18 or older. This sort of gave away the theme of the party: drink as much as you for free before heading off to the after party where drinks cost money. This seems to be the general way things in Finland are celebrated, so I guess I'm just fighting windmills. But still.

The actual party was at a parking lot-ish area, where thousands of people were crammed together. And all in all I found it fairly stressful. The positive things, however, were that I got to meet some of the other summer trainees and they seem like an interesting bunch. Fairly international, so I even got to practice my English a bit again and overall networking is always a good thing.

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