Monday, June 12, 2006

Work as usual

I started as a seasonal trainee at a large telecommunications company about four weeks ago and things are finally starting to normalize. Of course the hype around trainee positions at such companies is huge and the first few weeks fly by with a continous feeling of euphoria. But then the honeymoon is over and you realize that it's typical company, just like anything else, just like those smaller companies you've worked for before. Don't get me wrong, this'll look good on my CV and I do learn lots of things daily, but the problem from my point of view is that I'm not getting very much technological competence as I'd like to; instead I am learning about how large organizations work and how things get done or don't. That's of course very important too, but...

On the plus side, the benefits are great. Gyms, saunas, phones, etc. The pay is decent and of course since it's a trainee position, the tasks given are also such. So yeah, overall, this is a good place and offers good networking possibilities, but it isn't exactly what I imagined it to be, but then again, nothing that's hyped will ever meet expectations.

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