Thursday, October 05, 2006

Today was a good day

For the majority of our lives, we're dissatisfied. Or at least I usually spent more time worrying about long-term goals and such than being happy with the present. But today was one of those days that was just a good day. And it's good to mark those days in your calendar.

Anyway, today was me "big" moment, my first real presentation at N. Granted, it was a short presentation and on nothing that important in the grand scheme of things. But I've held a presentation at work before in front of this many people. Overall the situation was actually fairly relaxed and easy. And my portion turned into more of a dialogue than a monologue. We were already late with our schedule, so there was added pressure to cut things as short as possible, but apparently people were actually interested about what we were discussing. On another positive note, I got a lot of interesting insight on the stuff we've been working on and a chance to meet guys from different parts of the world.

And to top things off, we had a nice dinner in Suomenlinna and then headed to a local pub on the mainland with some other guys from work. It's events like these that return your motivation and show that the things you do might actually have some point in them, too.

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