Sunday, January 14, 2007


I don't like calendars. I mean, I like to actually know where to be and when, but I don't like calendars. Or more precisely, I have nothing against calendars, but I am very much against multiple calendars. All I remember right now is that I have something to do, someone to meet or some other important thing on the 16th of January; next Tuesday. But I have no idea when or what is going to happen.

Why has this happened? Well, there are too many calendars. I typically use Google Calendar, unless it's a) business related or b) I'm not at a computer/I don't have an internet connection available. The business stuff I keep in my work laptop's Outlook calendar. And if I don't have an internet connection, I either b.1) put stuff in my phone's calendar or b.2) write stuff into my paper calendar or b.3) write stuff on random pieces of paper. And then if I use a phone, I can b.1.1) use my work phone or b.1.2) use my personal phone. And the only things that are automatically synchronized are my work phone and Outlook on my work laptop. And those contain mostly work things.

Complicated? Yes. Are there any easy solutions? Not that I know of. Ok, at work our unit focuses on standardization; perhaps I should try to standardize my calendars and only use one or two calendars, at most. And try to get things to synchronize automatically. But I wouldn't hold my breath. In the meanwhile, I have no idea what's happening on the 16th...

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