Tuesday, January 09, 2007


I recently brushed upon the problem of blogging and privacy. And it appears that this is a general trend these days; everyone's writing articles about how people don't understand how to protect their privacy and as a result lose it by joining social networks and just by doing the "Web 2.0" thing.

I understand this to some extent; of course some information may be embarrassing if it comes out. But it's a non-issue, since that information isn't meant to be put online in the first place! I don't know how other people approach the problem, but when I say something online, I implicitly make and ratify a decision that I will stand by what I say with my own name. If it's something embarrassing, I don't say it. A guy at work recently told of a case where they were recruiting and a possible candidate was a spokesman for the Finnish cannabis association, or whatever the local thing was. Naturally he didn't get the job. Now, some people will argue that this is unfair. I don't quite follow. You should be intelligent enough in the first place to understand that someone will always notice stuff like that. And if you still decide to stand by something, that's great. It shows spirit. But people should acknowledge the possible consequences. I can't say I have much sympathy for people who can't think more than two steps ahead...

On a related note, I bought my first Moleskine today and I must say that I fell in love with it instantly. It's just so utilitarian and simple. Plus it does have some things that all these web-things don't have; there's a single copy of it which I control and can do with it what I will. Hence I will use it to embark on more interesting quests of introspection, which for reasons or not, can't be posted online. But fear not, whomever may be reading this, I'll still continue to bore you with the same old stuff that I've been posting before; you won't lose anything.

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