Saturday, June 23, 2007

Day 7: Brighton

Or actually we arrived here yesterday in the afternoon. Brighton concludes the sailing journey this time and right I'm just waiting for my flight out tomorrow evening. Then there's still the other week of vacation left... At this point I've concluded that I'm not old enough for vacations. At least not for long ones. Maybe two or three day long trips; just shooting in and out of some place (sort of like the Malmö trip). But a week and a half sailing was a bit too long. Nothing wrong with the trip per se, but a couple of days would've sufficed. I don't know whether I really feel this way or if it's just the shitty mood that I've been in recently.

Anyway, I'm sort of anxious to get back already, but am sort of terrified about the flight. I have nothing against flying in general, but in its current form where people are treated as cattle and I can't even fit the seat (I'm not fat, but try being 1.89 meters tall and bend your legs in a way that you'll be at least semi-comfortable in a plane -- it's impossible!) and then you get placed next to some annoying person who won't shut up about their daughter's dog's problems and won't even switch seats with you so you could have the aisle seat with slightly more leg room... And now a deep breath...

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