Saturday, May 24, 2008


These days it seems that the middle class is a minority that nobody really identifies with. It's so... Mediocre. The people who are so boring and bland that you just can't remember their names or any interesting bit about their lives if your own life depended on it. The people who in primary school used to make up the bunch of people who you never even knew existed. All the jocks either went to work as mechanics or went off to some school on some scholarship. The geeks will undoubtedly found multi-billion dollar companies and rule the world. The prom queens, who knows... Married their high school sweethearts and are now in a dead end relationship with two children and a low wage job.

I was recently invited to a class reunion for our junior high class. I still haven't decided if I can be bothered to go, but it got me thinking about what ever happens to these people you never remember. I guess they go on to live a more or less decent life and don't make that much noise about themselves. One could say that because it's such a middle of the road solution, the value systems and the entire lifestyle is sort of, well, ok. And considering this, it's amazing how in the elections, for instance, all the runners are more or less promising perks and benefits to all other groups, especially those of low income. I'm going to get crucified for saying this, but why should I care about those groups at all these days? All the political correctness is making sure that these lower classes are not forgotten when all the while the quiet and hard working middle class is baring the hits in the form of double taxation of dividends, for instance.

All the while the value systems have also changed and it's no longer trendy to just be a part of the middle class or the upper middle class. It's so bland; everyone has to be a rock star and everyone is optimizing their life over the next 15 minutes. Or, that is, everyone who's in any way visible, at least. In my opinion, why should actually start promoting the mid class way of living more; add some spice to it and market it off as the preferred way of living. I know it's harsh and I know that many people have many different types of problems which mean that they might be at a slight disadvantage and need to be subsidized by the state. To some extent. But seriously, offer a level playing field and stop pampering the classes who won't pull their weight around. Maybe it's harsh, but why should the hard working, middle class blokes pull around the dead weight of everyone else while the low class bitches and moans about their situation without actually doing anything about it and the upper classes can rely on wealth management specialists to keep themselves going strong forever. It's just so ironic that the majority of citizens who make up the middle class of a nation have all of a sudden gone mute and become a minority and are just going along with the increasing amount of freeloaders.

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