Sunday, March 04, 2007

Body mass index

I think the BMI has been more or less dubbed as useless among the people who are capable of any sort of rational thinking. I've also been somewhat critical of it, but an even more interesting thing is that I just weighed myself and right now (in the morning) I was slightly below 90 kilograms and height-wise I'm roughly 190 centimeters. As such my BMI is about 24.9 and the line for obese is 25. Yet people are continously reminding me that I need to eat, so I guess that's motivated by two possible scenarios: a) people have some hidden agenda and want to see me get fat or b) I'm thin. Since I'm entertaining a guess that it's not the former, that only leaves the latter left. And right now I would personally say that I'd need to gain a bit more mass... So much for the BMI.

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