Friday, September 21, 2007

Convertible cuffs

What's the point with convertible cuffs - especially if they're barrel cuffs. Completely and utterly useless as they're just barrel cuffs that are cut entirely through. Can't really use any sort of cufflinks with them without looking like a complete moron. That said, I actually got a shirt type called The Traveller recently and the features included a cotton variant that has (apparently) been treated in some way and resists creases, a hidden pocket in the helm of the shirt and a *gasp* convertible double cuff. But in this case the button is hidden away quite well and doesn't show at all. I don't really know why I would ever close said cuff with a button, but I guess it's nice to have it in place if you happen to forget your cufflinks somewhere. Oh, and it really doesn't crease.

1 comment:

Rajat Singh said...

where did you find said traveler shirt?