Monday, September 03, 2007

Training summary for week 35

Ok, training slipped a bit; during last week I only did a 40 minute jog on Wednesday and then two gym sets (with a high number of reps and sets with low weights, though). Again I guess I ran a bit too fast.

Then last night (does Sunday constitute as the start of a new week or the end of the old week, anyway?) I went for a jog around Lauttasaari again, but had to cut it a bit short and only did 11km. Again I guess the heart rate was sort of high, but interestingly enough at no point did I feel like getting too tired. The run took a bit more than 60 minutes. So I'm hoping that some improvement is actually happening and maybe my heart rate is just a bit higher by default? Dunno, still need to try to keep it down and maybe do some fast-paced walking at some point. The funny thing about the Sunday jog was that I actually even got lost at one point. I guess living on the same island for three years is by no means enough to get you acquainted with your surroundings...

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