Saturday, August 04, 2007

Stagnation and numbness

I think it may be time to try to shake things up a bit again. Right now I've pretty much fallen prey to routines. I can pretty much predict what's going to happen for a while into the future. At least on some topics, anyway. I think I could say that things are a bit too cozy right now, but that wouldn't be the complete truth. I think the problem is that whereas things aren't too cozy, they're entirely too predictable. And right now I don't see a very big potential payoff and I'm just hedging risk.

So... In order to get a bit ahead in the game again, I think it may be time to do something drastic again to shake things up a bit. That also coincides with the current increase in market volatility. Maybe this signals a return to reality and is a wakeup call to get longer term objectives back into scope and shake the dust. I don't know. I'll have to ponder a bit more and see if I can formulate any sort of decent plan.

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