Sunday, July 29, 2007

Interesting personality/persona

If you had to describe a potentially interesting person, what would they be like? I've talked with quite many people recently (i.e. in the past year) about subjects which border this topic. I think my personal answer would be a cross of, say, Gordon Gekko, Patrick Bateman, Thomas Crown, and Tom Ripley. One psychopath, one (maybe two?) sociopath and an arrogant asshole.

So, how to combine them? Well, obviously you take the ruthless and calculative nature of Gordon, then you combine it with the the class provided by Thomas and Tom and finally add the socialite tendencies and general contempt against the world that Patrick brings into the equation. Of course all of them overlap each other on quite many different fronts, so maybe this sort of scenario would spawn a relatively familiar result, but only on steroids.

One thing is certain, though. The result wouldn't be a very nice person.

(Oh, and apparently they're making a new movie called Money Never Sleeps where Gordon Gekko will be making another appearance, this time in conjunction with hedge funds. Can't wait.)

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