Sunday, March 09, 2008

On haircuts

Fortunately (or unfortunately?) I've been blessed with sort of curly hair. In a way it makes life somewhat easier when you can just acknowledge the fact that you can't really control your hair and that you don't even have to stress about it that much. On the other hand that's also very annoying. But it also means that because of curly hair, your haircut won't matter as much as it will most likely matter with a lot more straighter hair as, for instance, a crooked cut in the back will even out very soon as the longer hair will curl up and make the neckline obscure anyway.

But even in light of this understanding of why curly hair is nice, it's amazing how after getting a haircut you're always unsatisfied with the result. Or maybe it's just me. But rarely I'm truly satisfied with the haircut. But after a couple of weeks things typically even out and you get used to the differing haircut and things are good again. This effect increases for me as I'm a lazy person and only get a haircut a couple of times a year and then let it grow out a bit again until getting a second one. Plus you also save quite a nice sum of money by just getting a cut once a quarter... But yeah, I guess I'll need to report back in two or three weeks time about whether or not I'm satisfied with the haircut. I'm guessing that a bunch of gel and suits will at least offer an easy way out of any hair-related problem...

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