Monday, March 24, 2008


The Smart cars (fortwo, etc.) aren't really anything new and the concept of a small, economical car for city use is one that has been embraced in Europe for ages. But on the eve of a financial shakedown and in a world where oil prices are surging through the roof, the small cars with little engines make even more sense than ever. I have to admit that being me, I of course automatically prefer German cars with big engines over other cars, but recently I've become more and more interested in Smarts. There are two distinct and separate reasons for this: firstly the realization that I most likely can never afford an Audi S6 (and even if I could, by the time I could, I'm afraid people with 5.2 liter V10 engines will be shot) and secondly because they are indeed quite clever.

I know a Smart isn't really that flashy, and its cheap, and it's not something that you'd use as a status symbol. And the engine is very small, the acceleration is rubbish and the top speed is limited to about 90 miles per hour because the engineers were apparently afraid that at higher speeds the wind could kick in and do nasty things that would result in a big crash. Or a small crash. But herein lies the beauty of a Smart. It's unassuming. It's by no means a car that allows you to say anything about its owner's financial status. It's undoubtedly brilliant for intra-city traveling between work, shops, cafes, your home, etc. Something that you use to quickly pop on the other end of the city. But you might still have that big S6 in your garage for the days when you have to pop to the other side of the country. Or you might not. But it's clear that with a Smart you're taking a prominent stance in a smart (I'm sorry...) way.

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